مسيحنا فوق الزمان

الجمعة، 9 أبريل 2010

آيه وقول قديس

ولما قال هذا أراهم يديه وجنبه. ففرح التلاميذ اذ رأوا الرب. يو20: 20
When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. (John 20: 20)
لأنه بذبيحة جسده وضع نهاية للحكم الذي كان ضدنا، لأنه كما بإنسان ساد الموت على البشر، كذلك أيضًا بكلمة الله - إذ صار إنسانًا- تهدم الموت وبدأت قيامة الحياة. البابا أثناسيس الرسولي
Because, by the sacrifice of His body, He put an end to the verdict against us, as it has been through a man that death came upon all humans, so also by the Word of God, who became Man death was abolished and the resurrection of life was initiated. (St. Athanasius the Apostolic

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