من يحب نفسه يهلكها ومن يبغض نفسه في هذا العالم يحفظها الي حيوة ابدية. يو12: 25
He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. (John 12: 25)
إن كان الإنسان بحبه لذاته يصير مفقودًا، فبالتأكيد بإنكاره ذاته يوجد!... لينسحب الإنسان من ذاته لا لأمور زمنية وإنما لكي يلتصق بالله. القديس أغسطينوس
"If man, through his love for himself, is lost, surely through denying himself, he will be found! ... Man should withdraw from himself, not for worldly affairs, but to get attached to God." (St. Augustine)
He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. (John 12: 25)
إن كان الإنسان بحبه لذاته يصير مفقودًا، فبالتأكيد بإنكاره ذاته يوجد!... لينسحب الإنسان من ذاته لا لأمور زمنية وإنما لكي يلتصق بالله. القديس أغسطينوس
"If man, through his love for himself, is lost, surely through denying himself, he will be found! ... Man should withdraw from himself, not for worldly affairs, but to get attached to God." (St. Augustine)
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