وهم غلبوه بدم الخروف وبكلمة شهادتهم
ولم يحبوا حياتهم حتى الموت
رؤ12: 11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love
their lives to the death.
(Rev. 12: 11)
بطرس وبولس سحقا قوة الشيطان وردوا الأمم للأيمان بالثالوث
أبونا بطرس أكمل بموت الصليب فى مدينة روما العظمى لأجل اسم ربنا يسوع المسيح
وهكذا أيضا بولس نزعت رأسه هناك من قبل الملك نيرون فى يوم واحد
نالا المجد من الملك المسيح واستراحا معه فى ملكوته الأبدى والحياة الدائمة
ذكصولوجية للقديسين بطرس بولس
Peter and Paul, trampled the power of Satan,
and restored the nations, to the faith of the Trinity.
Our father Peter completed, his struggle with death on the cross,
in the great city of Rome, for the name of Jesus Christ.
Paul also likewise, was beheaded in that place,
by Emperor Nero, all in one day.
They received glory form Christ, the King and they rested with Him,
in His eternal kingdom, in the everlasting life.
(St. Peter & St. Paul Doxology)
ولم يحبوا حياتهم حتى الموت
رؤ12: 11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love
their lives to the death.
(Rev. 12: 11)
بطرس وبولس سحقا قوة الشيطان وردوا الأمم للأيمان بالثالوث
أبونا بطرس أكمل بموت الصليب فى مدينة روما العظمى لأجل اسم ربنا يسوع المسيح
وهكذا أيضا بولس نزعت رأسه هناك من قبل الملك نيرون فى يوم واحد
نالا المجد من الملك المسيح واستراحا معه فى ملكوته الأبدى والحياة الدائمة
ذكصولوجية للقديسين بطرس بولس
Peter and Paul, trampled the power of Satan,
and restored the nations, to the faith of the Trinity.
Our father Peter completed, his struggle with death on the cross,
in the great city of Rome, for the name of Jesus Christ.
Paul also likewise, was beheaded in that place,
by Emperor Nero, all in one day.
They received glory form Christ, the King and they rested with Him,
in His eternal kingdom, in the everlasting life.
(St. Peter & St. Paul Doxology)
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